Comparing Biological vs. Chemical Water Treatment Methods

Water is essential to daily life in so many ways, and we couldn’t live without it. Water treatment facilities are responsible for taking wastewater and treating it to remove contaminants before it makes its way to our soil and natural water resources. To accomplish this, wastewater treatment facilities can use either biological or chemical water treatment methods. 

Both methods are effective, but they work differently and are best used in different scenarios, against specific types of contaminants. Let’s take a closer look at both biological and chemical treatment methods, and how they’re different. 

What Is Biological Water Treatment?

Biological water treatment is a process where microorganisms, such as bacteria, are used to eliminate organic matter in the water. Microorganisms essentially consume and break down organic matter. The organisms used in biological water treatment thrive and are robust in environments such as wastewater that contains organic pollutants. Through microorganism consumption, harmful pollutants are converted into less harmful byproducts. 

There are two different processes used in biological water treatment. The first is aerobic wastewater treatment. With this method, microorganisms that require oxygen are used. Wastewater is transferred to an oxygen-rich environment where microorganisms can get hard to work breaking down contaminants. Wastewater treatment facilities that treat sewage will often use an aerobic process when using biological water treatment. 

The other process is anaerobic treatment, which is the exact opposite of aerobic treatment. In this case, microorganisms that can thrive in environments void of oxygen are used. This process is fermentation, much like how fermented foods, such as pickles or sauerkraut are created in an oxygen-free environment. Anaerobic treatment is effective for certain types of waste, such as the sludge left after wastewater treatment. 

Understanding Chemical Water Treatment

Chemical water treatment relies on chemical reactions to remove pollutants from wastewater. Chemicals are added to wastewater to neutralize the pollutants. Once the chemicals are added, a chemical reaction occurs, resulting in the contaminants separating from the water so that they can be easily removed. Other times, chemicals are added to kill potentially harmful pathogens. Water that has been chlorinated is a common example of this. 

A benefit of chemical water treatment is that it is very fast and effective. In situations where wastewater must be treated quickly, chemical treatment is typically the preferred route. 

How Are They Different

Both biological and chemical treatments are effective for cleaning wastewater. Wastewater treatment facilities need to consider the differences between the methods, rather than the similarities when choosing which process to use. 

The most obvious difference is the nature of the treatment. Biological treatment removes contaminants through a natural process that breaks down organic waste. Chemical treatment relies on the use of chemicals to either kill, neutralize, or remove pollutants from the wastewater. 

From an efficiency standpoint, chemical treatment is much faster. However, biological treatments may be preferred when there isn’t a sense of urgency or reason for the wastewater to be treated quickly. 

Each method has applications that it is best suited for. With biological treatment, it’s most effective at breaking down various types of organic matter. This would include organic materials such as plants, food, and human waste. For this reason, biological treatment is generally preferred for sewage. On the other hand, chemicals are effective at breaking down pollutants that microorganisms aren’t effective against. This includes pathogens and pollutants such as heavy metals. 

There’s also an environmental impact for each type of wastewater treatment. Biological treatments are considered to be more environmentally friendly. When microorganisms are introduced to wastewater treatment environments, the process is a natural one. In contrast, chemical treatment can lead to toxic byproducts, which present their own issues with removal and management. Chemical treatment can be exponentially more effective in certain cases, but it does require more careful thought and handling. 

Pros & Cons of Biological Vs Chemical Water Treatment Methods

Biological Treatment Pros

Natural and Eco-Friendly


Energy Efficient 


Helpful Byproducts 

Biological Treatment Cons

Only Effective Against Organic Matter 

Slower Process Than Chemical Treatment 

Requires More Monitoring and Can Be Difficult to Manage

Chemical Treatment Pros

Extremely Efficient

Fast-Acting for Times When Waste Water Needs to Be Treated Quickly 

Effective Against Pathogens and Toxic Contaminants Like Heavy Metals

Requires Less Monitoring, Easier to Manage  

Chemical Treatment Cons

Potential for Toxic Byproducts 

Less Environmentally Friendly 

More Expensive Option 

Less Sustainable 

Exposure to Dangerous Chemicals

Best Uses for Biological and Chemical Treatment Methods

Using the right wastewater treatment method means a more efficient process and cleaner output. Treatment facilities need to consider the types of pollutants they need to clear from the water, along with other factors in deciding which process to use. 

Chemical wastewater treatment serves an important role. It’s the primary means of disinfecting potable water. With new initiatives supporting the reuse and recycling of wastewater, effective and safe chemical treatments are important. 

For example, chlorination is effective in killing harmful pathogens. The level of chlorine used for disinfecting drinking water isn’t the same as what’s used in swimming pools, which many people are familiar with. The tap water that comes from your faucet has likely been treated with a low level of chlorine to kill organisms you don’t want anywhere near your food, beverages, or skin. 

Treatment facilities that handle medical wastewater, such as from hospitals, face unique treatment challenges. A combination of pharmaceutical residue, chemicals, and pathogens, requires an approach to effectively treat the water so that it’s safe for disposal. In this scenario, chemical treatment is the safest option. 

Chemical wastewater treatment is also used when heavy metals, such as lead, mercury, or arsenic are involved. These metals cannot be degraded using biological methods, so the industry turns to chemical treatment to ensure compliance with wastewater regulations. 

While chemical treatment is highly effective in these cases, it’s not a viable option for all treatment facilities. Municipal wastewater treatment plants often turn to biological treatment which is ideal for organic matter found in domestic wastewater and sewage. By using microorganisms, municipal wastewater becomes safe to release into natural water sources. 

The same is true for agricultural wastewater treatment, which typically contains significant amounts of organic waste. This includes everything from organic plant residue to animal waste. A major benefit of biological treatment in this case is the generation of biogas. 

Biogas is a renewable energy source generated from the breakdown of organic matter, such as that found in agricultural wastewater. Biogas has many potential uses including being transformed into fuel for vehicles. 

Industrial wastewater can be high in contaminants best suited for chemical treatment, but this isn’t always the case. Industrial wastewater from industries like food and beverage produces a high level of organic matter that can be mitigated through biological treatment. 

The dairy industry is a great example of this, as biological treatment can be used to degrade organic waste produced as a result of bovine milk processing. Breweries, both macro and micro also produce wastewater filled with organic pollutants, necessitating the use of biological treatment agents. 

Biological and Chemical Treatment Are Both Important 

Biological and chemical wastewater treatment processes each have pros and cons, but each is important for effective and safe treatment. In the United States, each individual person produces as much as one hundred gallons of wastewater each day. Utilizing both wastewater treatment methods and continually looking toward new, innovative methods, allows the industry to manage wastewater in the most effective way. 

At Lakeside, we’re committed to providing our customers with the safest and most effective wastewater treatment equipment to meet their needs. If you have questions about wastewater treatment equipment or the processes of biological and chemical treatment, we’re here to provide answers. Contact Lakeside Equipment today

How Emerging Regulations Are Shaping the Future of Wastewater Treatment

We’re seeing changes both big and small with emerging wastewater treatment regulations. From increased pressure to address some of the bigger issues with wastewater treatment to the adoption of innovative technologies in the wastewater treatment industry, each change in regulation is important for maintaining clean, sustainable water resources while continuing to meet global industrial needs.  

Strict Effluent Standards

Effluent standards are put into place to regulate the level of allowable pollutants that can enter the environment through wastewater. Governments are tightening regulations around the thresholds for wastewater pollutants. This includes common contaminants like heavy metals and chemicals, but also others that you might not think of as being dangerous. 

Nutrients, such as phosphorus can be problematic. The same is true for nitrogen. Current regulations are pushing for lower concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen to be released into the water. The issue here is that excess nutrients overfeed algae and plant life, leading to damaging overgrowth. 

Reuse and Recycling Mandates

Water scarcity is a growing concern. As we begin to look toward solutions, wastewater treatment is emerging as one possible answer. Regulations regarding the reuse and recycling of treated wastewater have the potential to change the course of water scarcity in regard to agriculture and other industries. 

We’re already seeing changing regulations in California to increase wastewater reuse. On a global scale, Singapore has been a leader in putting initiatives in place to recycle wastewater into potable water. 

If the idea of wastewater as potable water sounds unsanitary, rest assured that filtration and disinfection technologies have kept pace and are capable of safely and effectively purifying wastewater. 

Emerging Contaminant Regulations

Today, we’re seeing an increasing focus on wastewater contaminants that have not previously been prioritized. For example, the growing concern over the level of PFAS in wastewater is catching widespread attention. 

As a result, the Environmental Protection Agency has begun regulating PFAS in drinking water. As a natural consequence, wastewater treatment facilities are in a position to both test their wastewater product for levels of PFA and adopt new methods to reduce or eliminate them. 

We can expect to see more changes like this in emerging regulations as more attention is brought to the levels and potential dangers of chemicals in our water supplies. 

Impacts of Regulations on Treatment Technologies

The goal of emerging regulations is to provide overall cleaner wastewater and lessen the burden on the environment, water supplies, and human health. The impacts of these efforts are far reaching and require new technologies to keep up with the increased demands. 

As a result, we’re seeing innovation in wastewater treatment technologies. Membrane bioreactors combine the efficiency of membrane filtration systems with biological treatments to meet the demands of stricter regulations, without increasing the burden on the environment. Innovations in technology that allow for safe, clean, and efficient water recycling is also an exciting area of interest in the wastewater treatment sector. 

Challenges in Meeting New Regulatory Demands

The shifts in regulations to protect our water, health, and environment are important. As the world around us changes, so must our approach to meeting tighter regulations. These regulations are overall positive movements for the future, but this doesn’t mean they don’t come without challenges. 

For example, technological limitations can pose a challenge. The removal of contaminants like PFAS is extremely difficult with current technology. The industry needs solutions that are not only effective, but also affordable enough to be adopted on a large scale.

There are also concerns as to how smaller wastewater treatment facilities, that might be operating with older technology and reduced budgets, will be able to adapt without significant stress on their operations. 

What the Future of Wastewater Treatment Looks Like 

So, what does the future of wastewater treatment look like with all of these emerging regulations and changes in the industry? With new regulations comes a shift toward sustainability and energy-neutral treatment facilities. Green energy technology is coming into focus and new innovations are on the horizon. 

Water reuse is an area we’re expecting to see become a priority in wastewater management strategies. This includes moving toward more closed-loop systems, which are key for water recycling. 

There’s also the potential for artificial intelligence and machine learning to play a more prominent role in improving wastewater treatment processes, making them more efficient and more cost-effective while meeting tighter regulations. 

Final Words

Emerging regulations are shaping the future of wastewater treatment. New regulations are pushing the industry as a whole to look more closely at sustainable practices and developing innovative ways to approach purification. We see emerging regulations as being the force that drives innovation and beneficial changes in wastewater treatment. Contact us today to learn more!

How Water Quality Standards Influence Equipment Selection and Maintenance

When it comes to selecting and maintaining water purification equipment, including trash and screen rakes, understanding and adherence to water quality standards is critically important. Water quality standards are regulatory guidelines that define acceptable water contaminant levels and purity thresholds. For commercial operations, failing to comply with these standards can result in expensive fines, delays in production, and the potential for health risks. Selecting the equipment that allows seamless compliance with water quality standards mitigates these concerns. 

The Role of Water Quality Standards 

There’s no way to overstate the importance of water quality. Our current water quality standards regulate the amount of pollutants, chemicals, and other substances that can be present in certain water sources. This includes water sources that are used for drinking, agriculture, industrial processes, and everyday recreation purposes. 

On a large scale, these standards allow environmental agencies to monitor water quality and identify areas of concern. This combined with monitoring by commercial operations helps to ensure that measures are put in place to improve water quality and reduce the harmful impacts of waterways that don’t meet the current standards. 

The role of water quality standards is critically important in the short term for controlling the condition of water used for human consumption, human recreation, and for areas where wildlife depends on clean water. Measuring these standards allows agencies the opportunity to put pollution control measures into place, protecting our water sources for generations to come. 

For commercial operations, choosing equipment that supports water quality standards is one of the most reliable ways to ensure these standards are met. 

How Water Quality Influences Equipment Selection 

Water quality and composition are important factors to consider when choosing water purification equipment. Water from various sources can differ in chemical composition and amounts of debris present in the water. For example, surface water sources typically contain higher levels of microbiological organisms than groundwater, and require water purification systems that are specific to these needs. 

By choosing the right equipment for the job, businesses, including water treatment plants, can influence the efficiency and lifespan of water treatment systems. Here are just a few of the most important ways in which water quality influences equipment selection. 

Capacity & Efficiency 

Water quality standards play a role in decisions regarding both the capacity and efficiency of equipment. For businesses that manage large amounts of water, investing in high-capacity systems is key to managing these loads while continuing to meet water quality standards.

Technology Options

A business’s individual challenges in maintaining water quality will directly affect the type of technological water purification systems they consider. For example, water management that requires the removal of large amounts of debris will need to consider trash and screen rakes with the capacity to do so without running into significant upkeep and maintenance costs. 

The Role of Contaminants 

Each industry needs to consider its unique needs to meet water quality requirements. This includes identifying contaminants and choosing equipment and water treatment processes that address these needs according to water quality standards. For example, biological treatment systems are highly effective in treating contaminant issues without the use of chemicals to treat wastewater. 

The Impact of Water Quality on Equipment Maintenance 

When considering water quality standards, the main priority in choosing water purification treatment systems is to ensure that the equipment performs at a level that allows operations to efficiently meet those standards. However, while important, this isn’t the only consideration. 

Choosing the right equipment based on purification and water quality needs can significantly impact system maintenance, both in the short and long term. For example, water that contains high levels of minerals, like calcium and magnesium, can cause the build-up of limescale deposits, significantly compromising performance. 

Proactively monitoring water quality and equipment efficiency is an important step in minimizing wear and tear, while maximizing purification efforts. 

Why Regular Monitoring Is Important 

It’s a known factor that adherence to water quality standards requires continuous monitoring. Insights that come from water quality monitoring can help operations identify if their equipment isn’t performing at maximum capacity. 

Even small changes in water quality that don’t signal an urgent situation can indicate that equipment isn’t functioning properly and is in need of maintenance. Addressing these issues sooner rather than later can save on costly repairs or replacements later down the road. 

Keeping Up with Scheduled Maintenance 

Each piece of equipment has a specific maintenance schedule that needs to be followed. It’s easy to let regular maintenance routines slip when systems are functioning efficiently, however, this can be costly down the road. 

Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to overall system inefficiencies, higher operations costs, downtime, and potentially breach water quality standards. 

Identifying the Need for Upgrades and Modifications 

Water purification systems in wastewater management are costly. Ideally, with proper maintenance, it’s possible to get years of life out of quality water treatment equipment. With regular maintenance, it’s normal to discover that parts need to be replaced. The smaller investment in parts replacements helps to prevent the substantially costlier expense of replacing entire systems. 

Additionally, water quality purification needs may change over time. This also comes with changes and improvements in water purification equipment and technologies. Adopting new technologies and adapting water purification systems based on current needs helps operations stay ahead of any issues that may arise. 

Water Quality Standards Can’t Be Ignored When Choosing Water Purification Systems

Water quality standards are critically important, but they are more than just regulatory benchmarks. They influence every aspect of commercial or large-scale water purification. Selecting the right equipment and technology for the job is priority one in ensuring water quality standards are met. 

At Lakeside Equipment we encourage you to stay informed about water quality standards and proactive in your approach to meeting them. High-quality, efficient equipment, combined with adherence to maintenance routines ensures equipment is protected while meeting rigorous water quality standards. Lakeside Equipment is happy to answer your questions about water quality standards and help you better understand the best options for meeting these standards.

Troubleshooting Common Issues in Water Treatment Equipment: Tips and Solutions

Wastewater treatment equipment is designed to be effective, durable, and maintain efficiency for years to come. When functioning at maximum capacity, these systems are effective at removing contaminants and ensuring that output meets regulatory environmental and water quality standards. 

However, over time, there are a number of common issues that can arise, requiring troubleshooting and actionable solutions. If not addressed promptly, these issues can compromise water safety and the integrity of water treatment systems. 

Let’s take a look at some of the most common issues with wastewater treatment equipment, along with actionable tips and solutions for remedying them. 

Insufficient Training 

Let’s start with one of the most basic issues; training. This isn’t a concern with the equipment itself, but rather how those who monitor and engage with wastewater management equipment are trained. Lack of oversight in training can lead to potential issues going unrecognized, increasing the risk of substantial damage or failing to meet water quality standards. 

Solution & Tips

Develop Best Training Practices: The best way to ensure that all team members are appropriately trained is to develop a set of best training practices or a detailed training manual. This should be an outline of important details and steps to protect equipment.

Make sure that both trainers and trainees have access to these best practices and that they’re available to refer back to as needed. After team members have been trained, ensure that they sign off, acknowledging that they have been trained on every critical point provided in the manual. 

Follow-up with Newly Trained Team Members: Newly trained team members are processing a great deal of information, often while learning other tasks related to their jobs. Following up with them at regular intervals will help to ensure they are following best practices. This should be done even for team members, regardless of their record of job performance. 

Even the best, most reliable, and efficient team members can miss something. Set a follow-up schedule, such as two weeks after training, and then monthly assessments as needed. 

Assign Accountability Leaders: It’s difficult to troubleshoot weaknesses in training procedures when nobody is technically accountable. Due to the level of responsibility in training and follow-up, it might be best to assign multiple accountability leaders who are responsible for following up on newly trained team members and conducting regular checks to ensure everyone is following best practices and operational procedures. 

Lack of Monitoring and Maintenance 

There’s a saying about an ounce of prevention, and it’s one that strongly applies to protecting water treatment equipment. Best practices include daily monitoring and a regular schedule for maintenance. This allows for identifying and troubleshooting issues while they are still relatively small and inconsequential. 

Solutions and Tips

Know and Follow Suggested Maintenance Schedules: Keep a schedule for the suggested maintenance of water treatment equipment. Follow the schedule without exception and contact your local water purification equipment supplier if you have questions. 

Develop a Process for Regular Monitoring: Have specific staff members responsible for regularly monitoring for efficiency and performance. Keep a detailed record of monitoring processes, and keep records where they are easily accessible. 

Identify Metrics That Indicate Reduced Performance: Depending on the type of wastewater purification system, there are certain metrics that provide clues to how well your equipment is performing. Perhaps this is the volume of biowaste that is removed or a threshold for water quality. Keep an ongoing record of how your system is performing based on these metrics so that you’re able to quickly identify small changes. 

Slowed Flow Rate or Blockages 

A common issue with wastewater treatment systems is when water flows at a reduced rate. This is often due to a blockage somewhere in the system. Areas to check include those where accumulations of debris and biofilm are common. For example, pipes, filters, and membranes. If your wastewater management system has been experiencing reduced flow rates or blockages, these tips can help. 

Solutions and Tips

Maintain Filters: Filters are a common area of blockage, but this is an issue that can be easily prevented. Set a schedule to regularly check filters, and either clean or replace them as necessary. If you’re noticing a significant amount of debris, this is a signal to increase the frequency of maintenance. 

Consider Chemical Cleaners, If Appropriate: For systems that can be safely cleaned with chemical cleaners, doing so is an efficient way of dissolving and removing a buildup of contaminating agents. 

Look at the Health of the Overall System: Blockages in one stage may be an indication of issues in another section of the water purification system. When assessing and remedying the blockage, take the time to measure the health of the overall system. 

Corrosion or Natural Wear and Tear 

Over time, wear and tear on system components are natural, especially those that come in contact with abrasive materials or are exposed to harsh chemicals. Corrosion is a more serious issue that can lead to inefficiency, damage, and contamination. 

Solutions and Tips

Regular Inspections: We’ve covered the importance of regular inspections and maintenance. When conducting these inspections, pay close attention to signs of corrosion or wear. Key areas to look at include pipes, tanks, and pumps. Be expedient in addressing these issues to prevent further damage and potential system failure. 

Select Proper Materials: Each wastewater purification system is designed with materials that are resistant to damage from debris and chemicals. It’s important to work with a professional supplier of wastewater purification systems to ensure that your system is constructed with the right materials. For those operations working with inherited or dated systems, we suggest having a professional do a full assessment to determine if any parts should be replaced. 

Protection Against Corrosion: For systems that are prone to corrosion, cathodic protection systems can be used to protect structures from the damaging effects of corrosive substances. 

Control of Microbiological Organisms 

Microbiological organisms are a threat to water quality standards. For wastewater treatment facilities, managing the presence of microorganisms is essential. There are multiple routes of entry, including surface water, groundwater, and through cross-contamination. Facilities that are facing challenges in managing levels of microbiological organisms can take steps to bring levels under control. 

Solutions and Tips

Filtration: Excess microbiological levels can be an indicator of weaknesses in filtration systems. Work with a purification systems professional to determine ways to enhance filtration capabilities, such as fine filters or mechanical filtration systems. 

Chemical Disinfection: When microorganism load is high, chemical disinfection is one of the most effective means of bringing back below water quality standards levels. However, chemical disinfection can present its own issues, making it important to discuss the pros and cons before proceeding. 

Have Emergency Protocols In Place: Make sure your entire team is trained on emergency protocols in cases of high microbiological organism load. This might include processes such as shock chlorination, and complete system shutdown for proper cleaning. 

Keeping Common Maintenance Issues Under Control

Troubleshooting issues in wastewater treatment equipment is a proactive approach to keeping the system running at top efficiency. Regular maintenance and monitoring are the number one ways to prevent problems before they occur and manage them before they escalate to a critical point. Keeping on top of these common issues ensures water treatment systems are equipped for optimal performance and can meet regulatory requirements. 

If you have questions, need professional assistance with maintenance and repair, or are interested in learning more about the new technology and equipment to add efficiency to wastewater management systems, we’re here to talk. Contact Lakeside Equipment today.

Innovations in Hydropower: What to Look Out for in the Near Future

Hydropower is important as a clean, renewable energy source, and the industry is seeing continued growth in 2024 and beyond. Hydropower has been used for centuries, but this doesn’t mean there isn’t room for innovation. In fact, current innovations and the future of hydropower are looking brighter than ever. 

For the hydropower industry to stay on this trend, we need continued growth and development with hydropower technology and an increasing focus on environmental sustainability. 

This is exactly what we’re seeing as emerging focuses in the future of hydropower. Let’s take a closer look at the innovations in hydropower we can expect to see as priorities in the near future. 

Energy Demand Prediction

The integration of AI technology in the hydropower industry is becoming a game changer for the future. One of the key ways that AI technology is influencing trends in hydropower is in its ability to leverage algorithms to predict and manage energy demands. 

AI systems have the capability to analyze extensive amounts of historical data on energy generation and use, weather, and other important trends to predict future outputs and news. This then enables hydropower operators to meet future energy demands and allocate resources with a greatly improved degree of accuracy. 

For example, AI predictive models can clue hydropower operators into when to scale down production when demand is low and boost it again during peak times. These models can also assist in predicting shifts in weather systems that can impact water levels and the flow that goes into reservoirs. 

With energy demand prediction, the hydropower industry, which is already highly efficient, becomes even more so. 

Fish-Friendly Systems 

Opponents of hydropower often cite the potential damage to fish populations and river ecosystems, and this isn’t an invalid complaint. Traditional hydropower systems can cause disruptions, including reduced water flow, limited access to fish, and other changes in the water conditions. A forward-moving trend we’re seeing is an emphasis on fish-friendly systems in the future of hydropower. 

New fish-friendly hydropower systems are designed to minimize the negative impact of hydroelectric equipment on fish and aquatic environments. Innovative technologies help to ensure that migratory routes of fish are protected and that the natural flow and habitat of the aquatic environment are preserved.

A key feature of these systems is their ability to reduce the risk of fish becoming stuck or harmed when passing through. We’re seeing innovations that include curved, blunted hydro turbine blades to reduce injury potential, along with smaller gaps, minimizing the areas where fish can become trapped. 

Currently, we’re looking at a situation where the majority of hydropower plants are already in place. Yes, new ones will be built for future locations, and some standing hydro plants will be replaced. However, this isn’t a new industry and we need to be looking at adaptable solutions for hydropower facilities that are already in place. 

The ongoing development of new solutions is exactly what’s happening in the industry, as they find ways to make existing hydro plants more sustainable for fish and aquatic ecosystems. 

Innovations in Hydrokinetic Technology 

Continuing innovations in hydrokinetic technology are a promising trend for the future of renewable energy. Unlike traditional hydroelectric plants, hydrokinetic technology utilizes the natural flow of water to generate electricity. 

The benefits of hydrokinetic energy begin with its cost-effectiveness and minimized environmental impact. Hydrokinetic energy can be implemented with a much smaller footprint, making it a far more versatile option than traditional hydroelectric systems. 

The technology behind hydrokinetic energy is advancing. For example, new, more efficient designs in helical turbines, which allow the capture of energy from water flowing through from multiple directions. New stronger materials improve the durability of hydrokinetic systems, and there is more movement toward larger-scale adoption of hydrokinetic systems. 

Hybrid Hydro Systems

Hydropower is currently the most common source of renewable energy in the world. It has become more efficient, more ecologically friendly, and more cost-effective. Still, when we look at the growth of hydropower on a global scale, some barriers still exist. Hybrid hydro systems help to mitigate these barriers. 

Hybrid hydro systems provide benefits such as a more consistent power supply and grid stability during periods of peak usage. Each switch from complete grid power to a hybrid hydro system leads to a reduced carbon footprint, reducing reliance on fossil fuels, and improving overall resilience in the face of natural disasters. 

Energy Efficient Hydraulic Equipment

Improved energy efficiency among the key components of hydropower systems is crucial. Poor-performing equipment components can be costly to operators and for the environment. As an example, let’s consider hydro trash rakes. 

These are critical components of every hydrosystem as they work to remove debris and various types of organic matter. When these systems are poorly or inefficiently functioning, they lead to the faster deterioration and breakdown of hydrosystems, as well as posing risks to the local ecosystem. 

Energy-efficient hydronic trash rakes that are hydraulically powered are more efficient, require fewer resources to operate, and help to protect the significant financial investments connected to hydro plants. 

We’re seeing more focus on these types of equipment improvements that extend the life of hydropower facilities, enhance cost-effectiveness, and protect the environment. 

Green Hydro Design 

We want to round off our list by mentioning one of the most important innovations in hydropower – green hydro design. Green hydropower is the focus on harnessing water in the most environmentally responsible ways possible. 

Systems like traditional hydroelectric dams disrupt natural ecosystems and aquatic habitats. However, new innovations are more focused on issues such as the conservation of biodiversity, habitat restoration, respecting the rights of indigenous peoples, and committing to sustainable practices at every level. 

With green hydro design, the focus is on smaller-scale systems that move a lesser amount of water through the turbines. This alone is significantly beneficial for maintaining healthy aquatic ecosystems and protecting habitats. 

We’re also seeing greater awareness of the ecological footprint that comes with traditional hydropower facilities. Hydropower has offered an overall net benefit for the environment, but today we’re seeing innovations in technology, planning, and design that shift the scale even more. This is propelling hydropower as an even greener, sustainable energy source for the future. 

Hydropower for the Future 

Our world is changing and so is our need for sustainable, reliable sources of energy. Hydropower has always been a path forward, however, new innovations are transforming the industry. 

We’re becoming able to harness energy from water more efficiently while significantly minimizing environmental impact. We’re seeing hydropower solutions that support the industry’s growing commitment to meeting energy needs while also prioritizing ecological health. 

Along with this are innovations that enable hydropower facilities to operate more efficiently, produce maximized output, and reduce operational costs. 

All of these innovations are wins for the industry, the environment, and each person who relies on hydropower in any way. 

If you’d like to learn more about hydropower systems and our options for energy-efficient hydronic trash rakes, we encourage you to reach out to us at Lakeside today. 

The Importance of Trash Rakes and Screening Water During Heavy Rainfal

Heavy rainfall events have been increasing steadily in recent years, and with this comes new challenges for our local water management systems. Heavy rainfall can bring significant amounts of debris, creating vulnerabilities for wastewater systems and potentially impacting water quality. 

As we’re seeing shifts in climate, particularly related to rainfall, it has become more important than ever to consider the importance of trash rakes and water screens for effectively managing intake water. 

How do Trash Rakes and Water Screens Work?

Torrential rains can bring all types of debris, sludge, septage, and scum into your system. Wastewater screening equipment is the very first line of defense against contamination from heavy rainwater runoff. 

Screens are made of heavy gauge stainless steel, with the newest models being capable of capturing, compacting, and washing the collected debris, reducing its overall volume by as much as 50%. This reduction in volume helps reduce the costs associated with waste disposal.

In addition to screening equipment, trash rakes are also designed to remove large debris from the water that comes with heavy rainfall. Debris like leaves, roots, branches, grass, and other types of non-biomass debris can cause blockages and obstruct the infrastructure of wastewater systems. 

Trash rakes do the heavy duty of removing these types of debris from bar screens, allowing smooth water flow through the treatment system. 

Trash rake and water screen systems suppliers design equipment for the specific needs of facilities such as:

  • Hydropower Plants
  • Wastewater Treatment Facilities
  • Petrochemical Plants 
  • Potable Water Treatment Facilities
  • Steel Mills
  • Fish Diversions 

4 Key Reasons Why Trash Rakes and Screening Water Matters

Flood Prevention

Heavy rain presents a scenario where significant debris can clog the basins of water collection facilities. This level of debris can disrupt the functionality of drainage systems, and increase the threat of devastating flood conditions. 

In urban areas, flash flooding puts human health at risk, along with causing costly property damage. For wastewater collection facilities, flooding due to backed-up debris can pose a threat to property and daily operations. 

Preservation of Sewage Systems and Infrastructure 

Trash rakes and water screens are essential for protecting the infrastructure of wastewater collection facilities and sewage systems. By collecting and removing debris before it has the opportunity to travel into the treatment flow, trash rakes protect infrastructure and significantly reduce the need for repairs and downtime. 

We already touched on flood prevention in general as a benefit of trash rakes, but it’s important to acknowledge the potential damage caused by even minimal flooding to water intake facilities. Without a trash rake and water screen system, solid material, debris, and other unwanted objects can make their way through, disrupting water flow and clogging equipment. 

Reduction in Maintenance Costs 

Having a water filtration system that includes both a water screen and trash rake is one of the most effective ways of reducing the overall maintenance costs associated with water intake facilities. 

A water screen is essential in protecting equipment from clogs and damage due to debris from heavy rainfall. Without a properly functioning water screen in place, each piece of equipment along the water flow path is at an increased risk of damage. 

Still, the large amounts of debris that accumulate against the screen need to be removed so that water can flow through the screen more efficiently. Without regularly removing debris, the effectiveness and durability of the water screen are compromised. This can translate to significant costs in upkeep, repairs, and replacements. 

Trash rakes remove the massive amounts of debris associated with heavy rainfall from the screens, allowing them to return to maximum efficiency. Each part of the trash rake/water screen system is a critical component in reducing maintenance and repair costs throughout the entire water collection facility. 

Environmental Protection

Water screens and trash rake systems work to protect the environment in a number of ways. As a first line of defense, thrash rakes sweep across the surface of rainwater, collecting refuse and debris to protect both the local ecosystem and the broader water management system from contamination. 

As waste is collected, it is either automatically or manually placed into a holding container, preventing it, and its byproducts, from being discharged back into the water system. This also helps to protect native wildlife by maintaining a proper ecosystem balance. As heavy rainfall lifts debris, and pollutants from the ground, the water screens and trash rakes work to permanently remove them, leading to a cleaner, healthier natural environment. 

What To Look for With a Trash Rake System

Efficiency: Efficiency matters when choosing a wastewater trash rake system. It should be well-engineered to perform seamlessly, even in harsh conditions, including the types of conditions seen with heavy rainfall. Hydraulic-driven equipment is the most efficient and will lower overall operating costs. 

Durability: Trash rakes and water screens are an investment and one that needs to stand up against the demands of harsh weather conditions without compromising structural integrity. Features like adjustable pressure and having all workable components above water for easy maintenance help to ensure the long life of the equipment. 

Strength: Debris and biomass associated with heavy rainfall can place significant stress on trash rake systems. For heavy rainfall areas, trash rakes must be capable of removing significant debris, including heavy branches, tree roots, large pieces of biomass, and non-biomass debris from areas that are prone to flooding. 

A focus on durable construction also means that trash rakes can continuously run, withstanding the constant torque and strain, of removing heavy debris mass during times of consistent rainfall. 

Design Flexibility: The trash rake system you choose should have the flexibility to fit within your current system, being easily retrofitted to existing structures. Whether building a new system or replacing one of its core components, this type of flexibility and ability to accommodate multiple configurations should be central to your purchasing decision. 

Choosing the Right Trash Rakes and Wastewater Screens 

Heavy rainfall conditions can happen anywhere, making it important to understand how your trash rake and water screen system stands up to the challenges. Areas that are prone to excessive rain are even more at risk of flooding, machine damage, and compromised environmental quality if the trash rake systems aren’t performing up to standards. 

Whether you’re building or upgrading a facility, choosing the right equipment with flexible design and construction is critical. A highly efficient, low-maintenance trash rake system improves overall production and reduces overhead maintenance costs for the long term. Reach out to our Lakeside Equipment Sales Team to learn more about our premium wastewater management systems today. 

Centrifugal Pumps: What They Are & How They Improve Your System

Wastewater treatment requires continual movement to oxygenate the wastewater and allow microorganisms to do their part. For this to happen, fluid movement is key, and centrifugal pumps play an important role.

Centrifugal force is defined as “force that is felt by an object moving in a curved path that acts outwardly away from the center of rotation.” With a centrifugal pump, that rotational force plays a key role in moving fluid materials from the impellers through the discharge chute. As it uses kinetic energy (pressure) to move liquids, it’s an efficient, cost-effective solution. 

These pumps are used in many industries including HVAC, refineries, water treatment, and wastewater treatment plants. They’re also found in chemical processing plants and hydroelectric plants. It’s in a wastewater treatment plant that these pumps can make a real difference.

The Structure of a Centrifugal Pump

A centrifugal pump uses a rotary motion to move fluids from an upstream pipe to the downstream pipe. It does this by using the force of the rotation to create pressure that draws the liquids by creating suction, around the impeller, and pressure draws it up and out of the other side. 

There are four types of centrifugal pumps, too. They are:

  • Axial-Flow – Impeller rotates parallel to the pump axis and is ideal for high flow rates.
  • Multi-Stage – Multiple impellers work other and are best for high water pressure.
  • Radial-Flow – Impeller rotates perpendicular to the pump axis and is best for high water pressure.
  • Single-Stage – Pumps only have one impeller and are best for low pressure.

No matter which pump it is, the main components don’t change.

  • The impeller
  • The shaft that attaches the impeller to the electric motor
  • The motor that drives the impeller
  • The casing that holds the impeller in place and provides the watertight path for liquids to follow
  • The upstream and downstream pipe flanges where water enters and exits

How Do Centrifugal Pumps Work?

With a centrifugal pump, the electric motor turns the impeller blades. As they start to turn, it creates suction that draws fluid into the pipe flange and casing. The impeller continues turning, which keeps drawing fluid in and that creates pressure. The pressure of the water pushes it through the casing to the downstream pipe. 

What Are the Benefits of Using Centrifugal Pumps?

Centrifugal pumps have a number of benefits. First is that they are efficient. They use the transfer of kinetic energy to move water, which is more efficient. If the centrifugal pump is equipped with automated speed controls, it can reduce power consumption by as much as half. It comes down to how much speed is reduced by. A 10% reduction can reduce power consumption by 27%, while a 20% reduction is about 50%.

Sometimes your fluids might be thicker than other times. If there’s a heavy storm and your sewer system is experiencing a surge in stormwater runoff, the liquids might be more fluid than when it’s simply hauled septage and sewer water. Centrifugal pumps are versatile and can manage changes in fluid viscosities.

Maintenance is easy as a centrifugal pump is only made up of a few components. It is important to keep the components lubricated to prevent overheating. The screens on the suction head must be kept clean to ensure the flow rates don’t decrease unexpectedly. 

These pumps are designed to last and have maintenance needs minimized. Features like corrosion-resistant stainless-steel designs and sealed bearings help, too.

Finally, there are different types of centrifugal pumps. This makes it easy to choose the right fit for your plant’s needs and budget.

Are There Any Disadvantages?

Disadvantages are minimal, but there are a couple of considerations. First is that they are prone to clogging. If you use them in a wastewater or water treatment plant, make sure you have screens and trash rakes to minimize any damage or flooding caused by a clog or jam.

Second, they benefit from a steady flow of liquids. If you have times when the incoming wastewater is lower, it can become a problem. Systems that are automated to stop pumps or slow their speed during slower periods are important. If flow is decreased and ignored, it could cause problems with cavitation. That occurs when vapor pressure drops and creates air bubbles that can damage the impeller.

Where and How to Use Centrifugal Pumps for Cleaner Water

How can a centrifugal pump help with a wastewater treatment plant’s process? If you think about the basics of wastewater treatment, there are lots of steps where pumps move the wastewater around. 

  • Screening: As wastewater enters the treatment plant and is screened to remove large items and trash, centrifugal pumps help move the water around.
  • Grit Removal: Once sand, gravel, and grit are removed, these pumps move wastewater to the next stage of treatment.
  • Sludge Movement: Thicker sludge has to be compressed to remove water for additional processing, and these pumps help with the movement.
  • Chemicals: If your plant uses chemical disinfectants, these pumps can help mix them into the wastewater.

They’re great for moving fluids efficiently from one area to the next. If you accept hauled waste from pumped septic systems, you’ll need a way to transfer the septage to the screens. Water needs to go from the screens into grit removers and aeration tanks.

In some of the processes that take place in your wastewater treatment plant, you might have some of the sludge dewatered, and the water that’s pressed from the sludge needs to be moved back into tanks for treatment. Pumps are essential for all of these steps.

Things to Consider

While centrifugal pumps have plenty of benefits, they’re not always the best choice. They don’t require a lot of space, which is a benefit, but they do need space to work properly. Your plant’s current design must accommodate the pumps you select.

This is why working with professionals in wastewater and water treatment equipment is important. You might also want to consider a screw pump to see if that’s the best fit. All of this is best done by talking to an expert who has the answers you need.

Share your treatment plant’s goals with Lakeside Equipment. Our expert engineers and sales team help you determine the best solution to your facility’s goals at a price that meets your budget.

Preventing & Addressing Runoff with Water Treatment Systems

Runoff is one of the leading problems with water pollution today. The EPA rates Vermont’s Lake Champlain as “Impaired,” and it isn’t the only lake dealing with detrimental blue-green algal blooms caused by pollution. A report from the Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) found that over half of the rivers, streams, and lakes failed EPA standards for safe drinking water, fishing waters, and waters to swim in.

This is alarming as in 2010, the EPA reported that “almost 20% of the 50,000 lakes” were impacted by nitrogen and phosphorus pollution. Violations of nitrate limits in drinking water supplies doubled over a decade. This is alarming and runoff, one of the leading causes of pollution, must be addressed throughout the nation.

What are the most polluted lakes and rivers in the U.S.? We’ve compiled a list of 10 of some of the most polluted rivers and lakes in the nation.

  • Alkali Lake (an EPA Superfund site)
  • Calcasieu River
  • Lake Erie
  • Lake Michigan
  • Lake Okeechobee
  • Mississippi River
  • Ohio River
  • San Jacinto River
  • Torch Lake (an EPA Superfund site)
  • Willamette River

Some of the pollution in these rivers and lakes come from industrial plants. Farm run-off is another problem as the fertilizers used on crops raise phosphorus levels. Cities with combined sewer and stormwater drains also threaten lakes and rivers. Runoff must be controlled as part of a nationwide measure to clean up our water.

Why Runoff Matters

Stormwater runoff is a leading problem with algal blooms, damage to the fish and aquatic life in lakes, streams, and rivers. It also creates toxins that take extra time to treat before water can leave a water treatment plant and go to the community water system.

When there’s a storm, water flows from streets and driveways into drains that in some areas go directly to the sewers. Along the way, the rainwater picks up road salt, automotive fluids, pesticides, and fertilizers applied to lawns and gardens. 

It doesn’t have to be runoff that goes into sewers either. Runoff can leave a farm’s fields and leach fertilizers and pesticides into area streams, rivers, and lakes. As phosphorus and other levels in lake and river water increase, fish and aquatic life are poisoned and die. Algal blooms increase and can be toxic to pets and animals that use the lake as a source of water or to cool off on a hot summer’s day.

How Can Cities and Towns Best Manage Runoff?

One of the leading ways to manage runoff is by embracing Low-Impact Development (LID) practices. This includes incorporating the following into new developments or renovations in older districts.

Rain gardens are one way to put rainwater to good use. Create a garden that’s a haven for native butterflies, honey bees, and birds to use for food and a natural habitat. The rainwater waters the garden. As the unneeded water filters through the soil, sand, and bedrock, which naturally filters it before it returns to underground water sources.

Rooftop gardens are becoming a common building amenity. The plants in the gardens soak up some of the water to help grow crops that can feed others in the community. In the process, some rainwater is kept from going to the storm drains. 

An example is in Manhattan over the Javits Centre. There’s a one-acre orchard, berry bushes, and vegetable gardens growing on top of the building. The produce from this green roof provides supplies for the building’s catering staff and the rest is donated to a local organization that provides groceries to those in need.

Sidewalks and driveways can be constructed with permeable pavers that allow rainwater through and into underground aquifers where water is prevented from overloading sewer systems. It’s possible to capture the water for reuse at home for chores like watering trees, flower beds, washing cars, etc.

Is your district one of the around 700 communities where the sewer system and storm runoff systems are combined? A heavy rainfall or snowmelt strains these stems and leads to raw wastewater getting released into lakes and rivers. Consider separating the systems to lower the risk of raw sewage ending up in local bodies of water.

People In Your District Need to Do Their Part

In addition to the steps cities and towns can make with their stormwater runoff and wastewater treatment plant measures, townspeople need to do their part. Educate the people in your district to ensure they know how their actions can negatively impact water quality. If you have to spend more time treating water to meet EPA requirements, it’s costing them more money.

Some of the most important things they can do is to:

  • Avoid chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  • Keep up with car maintenance to avoid oil, gasoline, brake fluid, transmission fluid, windshield washer liquid, and coolant leaks.
  • Use environmentally-friendly ice melt products in the winter or stick to sand or fireplace ashes.
  • Properly dispose of leftover paint, cleaning products, and chemicals.
  • Read labels and purchase eco-friendly cleaning products.
  • Close lids on trash and recycling barrels to keep trash from blowing down the street.

Filtration Options for Water Treatment

Even with the best measures, some runoff is going to get through. Sand filters are a good way to remove debris. If stormwater goes to your wastewater treatment facility, make sure you have screens and trash rakes that remove trash that gets caught up in the heavy rains. Plastic bags, sticks, wrappers, and straws can clog pumps and impellers and cause a lot of damage. Removing as much trash as possible is vital to your treatment plant.

When it comes to filtration, sand is the most common, but there are other options. Coconut fibers, activated charcoal, and semipermeable membranes are different choices.

Which Treatment Strategy Is Best?

There is no right way. You have to consider your district’s needs. How much space do you have available for rain gardens, green rooftops, or retention ponds? Is there more residential runoff than industrial or vice versa? What are the EPA guidelines you’re required to meet?

All of this has to be factored into the decisions you make for reducing runoff. If your district is a combined sy stem where you’re treating both sewer water and storm runoff, you need equipment that adjusts to increased flow rates. 

Working with a professional is key to getting an effective, on-budget runoff treatment plan that keeps contaminants out of your lakes and rivers. 

Lakeside Equipment can help you plan the best approach for runoff and water treatment solutions. Managing storm runoff is the first step and treating what comes into your wastewater treatment plant is secondary. Our water treatment experts help you plan sensible solutions that match your municipality’s budget.

Springtime Sustainability: Eco-Friendly Biological Treatment With Lakeside

The arrival of spring can pose more challenges to a wastewater treatment plant. Warmer temperatures encourage bacterial activity. Heavy spring rains increase sewer discharges, especially in districts with connected sewer systems and storm drains.

Combined sewer overflows are found in approximately 700 municipalities. While the U.S. is making strides in separating them, they’re still out there. When there are heavy rains, stormwater and sewer water combine and raise the risk of flooding if a plant isn’t equipped for the rapid increase in flow rates. These combined systems are found in the following states.

New Hampshire
New York
Rhode Island
South Dakota
West Virginia

Wastewater treatment uses a lot of energy, and the importance of cleaning the water of harmful contaminants and items like phosphates that encourage the growth of harmful algae is crucial. Plants have to balance getting the job done as efficiently and quickly as possible while also doing it in an eco-friendly way. Eco-friendly biological wastewater treatment is an effective, sustainable option.

The Basics of Conventional Wastewater Treatment

A conventional wastewater treatment process involves removing trash like plastic wrappers, bone fragments from animals that get into the sewer system, and solids like solidified fats, food particles, and human waste. Those need to be separated first. Once as many solids are removed as possible, chemical treatment is the go-to option.

Chemicals like chlorine (bleach) were used to kill germs. Sometimes, UV light was introduced as the chemicals had to dissipate before the wastewater was tested to ensure safe levels of things like E.coli, mercury, phosphates, etc. before the treated water goes to a lake, stream, or water treatment facility for processing into drinking water.

When chemicals are used, they need to be removed to safe levels. You can’t release highly chlorinated water into a lake as that chemical can kill fish and other aquatic life.

If water still has high phosphate levels, it acts as a rapid-grow fertilizer for algae that takes oxygen from other plants and animals, and some algae are dangerous to animals. Dogs that swim in water with blue-green algae blooms die from exposure to anatoxins found within them.

To ensure water is clean, continual testing is important. Still, the chemicals, treatments, and repeated processes use a lot of energy as water is aerated, pumped from one area to another, and filtered to remove solids.

The Benefits Gained by Embracing Biological Treatment

Biological wastewater treatment is a more popular option as it’s an eco-friendly, sustainable wastewater treatment process. It starts the same. A trash rake is used to remove plastic wrappers, bags, and other trash that can damage equipment like pumps and create clogs. Screens and trash rakes complete this process.

Once trash is removed, the wastewater goes into tanks where there are three stages of water treatment: primary, secondary, and tertiary. It involves these steps.

Activated Sludge: Aerobic microbes help break down organic materials. Pumps help circulate the water to create the oxygen the microbes need to do their work.
Anaerobic Digestion: Microbes no longer need oxygen and start producing methane and carbon dioxide as they complete their work.
Anoxic Growth: Microbes eventually turn to other items such as sulfates to grow.

Through these stages, there are different types of microorganisms used to break down organic materials in the wastewater. The goal is to ensure their health and ability to multiply. This keeps the system running smoothly, even if extra wastewater comes in during a spring flood.

In addition to the microbes, fixed-bed or moving-bed bioreactors contain porous biofilm that houses the microbes and can help with filtration when they’re used. A biological trickling filter is another option. Wastewater passes through the filter that’s often made of sand, ceramic, or even coconut fibers.

All of these components offer the major benefit of requiring less energy. They don’t use a lot of electricity, so you lower the plant’s carbon footprint and energy bills at the same time. When you have microbes producing biogas like methane, some systems capture that gas and convert it to useful fuel for the heating and cooling within the facility.

Sludge that’s removed can be composted or even dried and turned into fertilizer that can be used to help nourish plants and trees in forests and fields.

Lakeside Equipment’s biological treatment equipment includes the following options:

CLR Process – A closed loop reactor (CLR) is a tank that’s in a loop that allows for the constant circulation of wastewater. It’s effective in cold weather and is easily configured to meet different needs.
Magna Rotor Aerators – An effective way to mix solids and keep them from settling. The stainless steel blades help large numbers of microorganisms thrive, even if there’s a shock load, thanks to the ability to aerate and provide oxygen.
Sequencing Batch Reactors – This is a cost-effective option for biological treatments. It’s a single basin that uses timers to fill, mix, aerate, settle, decant, and remove sludge without creating a lot of foam. There are sequencing or continuous sequencing options.
Submersible Mixers and Recirculation Pumps – Mixers help stir up and aerate the water while recirculation pumps move the wastewater from one tank to another. Both are designed to last and work efficiently without a lot of energy consumption.

You can also get a Package Treatment Plant that reduces your footprint and requires less manpower. It includes a Closed Loop Reactor in the outer loop and a Spiro Clarifier in the center. It’s a great choice when you don’t have a lot of space and need a system that does the job well.

Where Is the Future of Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Heading?

There’s a water crisis in many communities. Even with unusually heavy rains and snowfall in areas that were running low, it’s only a temporary solution. The future of sustainable wastewater treatment will be in recycling water.

While people may be grossed out by the thoughts of the sewer water being cleaned of waste and bacteria, treated to ensure it’s safe for drinking and household use, and returned to public water systems, it’s important for sustainability.

Biological treatments that help treat wastewater and turn it into crystal clear, contaminant-free drinking water are essential in the evolving nation. Lakeside Equipment is excited to be at the heart of this future in wastewater treatment.

Lakeside Equipment has been helping people gain cleaner water for nearly 100 years. We’ve been there through many advancements and are excited for the future. Reach us online or by phone to learn more about steps you can take to establish eco-friendly biological wastewater technologies within your district.

Spring Cleaning for Waterways: Utilizing Lakeside’s Raptor Screening Systems

As snow melts, heavy spring rains hit, and winds pick up, a lot of trash and debris ends up in the nation’s waterways. In Oregon, the Willamette River’s trash has become a major concern. 

The organization Willamette Riverkeeper takes out as much as 432 yards of trash annually.  Efforts have been heightened to get the state and municipalities to create better programs making it easier for visitors, residents, and the area’s homeless to dispose of trash properly.

This isn’t the only place dealing with excessive amounts of trash. Volunteers in Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Missouri recorded the amount of trash they were pulling from the Mississippi River. Of the items they logged, plastic accounted for 75% of the trash. The remaining percentages were:

  • Paper and wood – 9%
  • Metal – 7%
  • Glass – 5%
  • PPE/Masks – 2%

The most common items found in the river were:

  • Cigarette butts
  • Food wrappers
  • Beverage containers
  • Foam and Styrofoam fragments
  • Hard plastic pieces
  • Paper/cardboard
  • Plastic bags
  • Tin/aluminum cans
  • Plastic cups

Keeping these items out of the rivers, lakes, streams, and oceans is vital. It’s a key reason why municipalities need to look at the benefits of screening systems in waterways.

What Screens Do

Screens are used in water treatment, wastewater treatment, and hydropower plants. As wastewater or river/lake/ocean water enters a plant, it passes through screens that capture objects. Screens can capture dead animals, branches and logs, trash, leaves, and other larger particles.

If those items entered into the process of treating and cleaning water, it could lead to equipment damage, faster wear and tear on motors and pumps, and clogs. Plants pay less for repairs and replacement parts, which saves money over time.

There are different types of screens, but the process is always similar. They have mesh screens that capture items. Then, trash rakes or rake teeth pull them from the screen and move them to bins for composting or a landfill. 

Some facilities use incinerators, which use waste-to-energy to help generate power used by the plant. This makes it possible for the next stages of water treatment, such as sludge removal, to take place.

Explore the Different Types of Screens

What are the different options when it comes to screens? We recommend Raptor® equipment. These are the options to consider.

Raptor® Complete Plant

If you want a plant that can screen solids and waste materials and remove grit in one, the Raptor® Complete Plant is the system for you. Add a manual or automated grease trap, too. It handles flow rates of up to 4 million gallons per day.

The components are pre-assembled, which makes it easy to install the entire system and have it up and running in little time. It also costs less than a designed system as it’s pre-engineered.

Raptor® FalconRake® Bar Screen

This heavy-duty bar screen is ideal for high use with high removal loads in water treatment plants, septage pump systems, and combined sewer systems. The link system can lift half a ton without a problem. Rakes grab materials from the bottom of a channel and raise them upwards to the top where solids are removed into containers for further processing. 

The construction is corrosion-resistant, and there are no bearings, bushings, guides, or sprockets in the lower areas of the equipment, which ensures the drive system is fully above water. This makes maintenance simple. This design also helps prevent jams.

Raptor® Fine Screen

A Fine Screen system is ideal for removing troublesome solids like fats, oil, and grease. Varied screen bars sit in the bottom of a tank and have a rotating rake that continually cleans the cylindrical screens when the water level reaches a specific point.

Debris is disposed of in a bin after being compacted and dewatered thanks to the help of a screw conveyor. It’s possible to get a weather protection system that protects it from as cold as -13ºF. 

Raptor® Micro Strainer

The Micro Strainer is a good choice for small treatment facilities. A cylindrical basket fits in a lower chamber and spins while screening out solids and debris. Those solids move up a tube with the help of a screw conveyor. They’re compacted and dewatered before moving to a container for composting, trash, or incineration. 

There’s a single drive, which helps keep maintenance requirements to a minimum. The Micro Strainer is often used in submersible pump stations and manholes. It’s also a good choice for industrial plants that pre-treat wastewater before it moves on to the sewer system.

Raptor® Multi-Rake Bar Screen

This multi-rake bar screen is positioned within a tank with screen bars (think of ladder rungs) that go up from the floor to the top. They pick up solids as the screen bars rise, and those items are deposited out of the bar screen when it reaches the top of the tank with the help of rakes. Rakes scrape all items off the bar before that bar lowers back down.

A chain guide ensures constant motion at the desired speed. The entire multi-rake bar screen is corrosion-resistant due to the stainless-steel construction. If there’s a jam, the system automatically reverses to clear it. Rakes clean the bar screens as they go and can be replaced as needed. As an added benefit, it’s possible to get this system on a hinged system to make it easy to swing out of the channel when maintenance is necessary.

Raptor® Rotary Strainer Screen

With the Rotary Strainer Screen, water comes into the self-contained tank where a horizontal cylinder of heavy-duty wire awaits. The openings of that wire range from 0.01 to 0.1 inches and a spray bar and blade assembly with automatic cleaning. Water passes through the mesh and solids are captured on the wire mesh and are then cleared of solids.

The solids pass through a discharge chute into a bin for composting or whatever your plant does. Everything is above ground, which makes maintenance easy to manage. The rotary strainer screen is used in multiple settings, including pre-treatment measures in wineries and food processing plants and fine screening in wastewater treatment plants.

Raptor® Rotating Drum Screen

The removal of small particles is completed with ease with the Rotating Drum Screen. It’s very efficient and has a high removal rate, which meets the requirements of Membrane Biological Reactors. You can get a wedge wire basket or perforated plate with openings of 0.2 to 0.25 inches.

As the waste and materials are screened out, it’s dewatered and compacted, reducing volume by half. It reduces the waste’s weight by as much as 67%, so the cost of landfill disposal is less. It has a single drive and stainless steel construction for long life and minimal maintenance.

Raptor® Septage Acceptance Plant

If your plant accepts septage hauled in from residential homes and businesses, the Septage Acceptance Plant screens, dewaters, and compacts the solids. The septage is pumped out of trucks and into a system with cylindrical screen bars. Rakes scrape the bars to prevent clogs. 

It’s a stainless-steel design that resists corrosion, and it works faster so haulers can unload quickly. You can add a second inlet so that two trucks can unload at the same time.

Raptor® Septage Complete Plant

While there’s the Septage Acceptance Plant, there’s also the Raptor® Septage Complete Plant, which is automated and completes screening and grit removal at the same time. Everything is pre-assembled for fast, hassle-free installation.

Work With Lakeside Equipment

Lakeside Equipment is here to help you explore the best options for your water cleaning goals and budget. Whether you’re starting out or need to completely upgrade your older screens with more efficient options, we have the solution you need.