Springtime Savings: How Flowmaker Mixers and Pumps Lower Energy Costs in Wastewater Treatment

In the U.S., municipal wastewater treatment facilities use up over 30 terawatt-hours of electricity every year. Average costs are over $2 billion. The worst part is that electricity is about 25% to 40% of a plant’s annual operating budget. Lowering energy consumption should be every municipality’s goal. 

The key to lowering energy costs in wastewater treatment is in the equipment. Spring rains can lead to problems with flooding, and any raw sewage release is going to be costly. Flowmaker mixers and pumps will do a lot to help you cut down costs and help area residents and businesses save money.

The Many Benefits of Reduced Energy Consumption

Reducing energy consumption means lower monthly bills. That’s one of the biggest benefits, and it’s one that the people in your district will appreciate. There’s more to it than just reduced electricity bills.

Maintenance Costs Decrease

When you modernize equipment, pay attention to how many pieces of equipment are above the water level. That makes it easier for maintenance workers to address issues, if and when they arise. Less maintenance means lower bills.

Reduced Impact on the Environment

The generation of electricity puts a strain on natural resources and the environment. Some plants use hydroelectricity, which benefits from the natural flow of water, but it also requires the installation of dams and equipment that can harm fish and wildlife. There are ways to lessen the impact, but these issues are still concerns you have to consider.

Older types of electricity production, such as nuclear or coal-powered plants, cause concern. Coal mining is often dangerous and can lead to illness in its workers. A mine collapse is always a risk. Plus, coal mining produces high levels of methane, which increases the risk of explosions.

Sustainable Plant Practices

When you have more efficient equipment, your plant is more sustainable. Wastewater is cleaned in a timely manner, which lowers the risk of raw sewage releases when a system is running. If you add in other beneficial measures like recycling water and recapturing methane produced during the treatment process for energy. 

Flowmaker’s Design and Features

When the goal is efficiency and lowering your plant’s carbon footprint, Flowmaker mixers and pumps are a must for all of the following reasons.

High-Efficiency Mixers:

High-efficiency Flowmaker mixers use a lot less energy by using specific flow patterns to move wastewater around for optimal mixing no matter how large or short the tank. In a sludge tank, they can move the flow effectively enough that nothing builds up in the corners. 

The impellers are also efficient and require less energy to run. Flowmaker mixers can operate so that the mixers work vertically or vertically. A horizontal mixer is going to assist with sedimentation.

Variable Speed Drives:

Variable speed drives are another benefit. When pumps and mixers run at a continuous rate, energy is wasted. You don’t want your system working at the same rate during high-peak hours as you would when people are sleeping and not running water. You waste energy. 

With variable speed drives, the pumps and mixers speed up and slow down as needed. It lessens strain on the equipment and also lowers energy consumption. Use electronic controls and even automation to adjust for changing flow rates. When you do this, you can reduce your energy consumption by as much as 50%.


Automation and AI are all part of advancing technology that plays an important role in energy-efficient wastewater treatment processes. When there are sensors that track changes in things like flow rates and sludge, pumps and mixers turn on without human involvement. Automated systems automatically adjust Flowmaker mixers and pumps to account for these changes. This establishes processes that treat water correctly, quickly, and more efficiently than ever before. 

Lightweight Materials

Wastewater can do a lot of damage to components. Flowmaker mixers and pumps are designed to resist corrosion while also being lightweight. Because the propellers are lightweight, less energy is needed to turn them. They’re also going to last longer because they won’t rust or corrode and need replacement before you expect.

Other Considerations Your Treatment Plant Needs to Keep in Mind

The amount of energy you can save using Flowmaker mixers and pumps is dependent on several factors.

Your Wastewater Treatment Plant’s Design and Capacity

The size of your wastewater treatment plant will impact the amount of energy you save. The larger your facility, the greater the savings once you’ve incorporated Flowmaker mixers and pumps. Smaller plants may not see as much in savings, but they still will see some level of discounts on their operating expenses.

The Age of the Current Equipment

Switching older equipment to new technology will deliver cost savings. The older your equipment, the more energy it’s using. You could end up being surprised by how much lower your bills are. Plus, new Flowmaker mixers and pumps are going to do a lot more work, so you might find your treatment processes improve, which leads to faster treatment times and fewer problems with raw sewage releases.

The Type of Wastewater 

Wastewater quality also plays a role. If your district takes in a high percentage of hauled septage, you might have more solids than others. An industrial setting where there are a lot of food processing companies will also have higher levels of fats, oils, and grease. That means the mixers and pumps need to work harder.

Work With a Professional for Optimal Plant Efficiency

When you implement a Flowmaker mixer and pump features, you reduce your wastewater treatment plant’s carbon footprint by reducing the amount of energy your equipment consumes. Keep your system well maintained and enjoy a long-lasting, problem-free system that keeps lowering your electricity bills. In time, your equipment pays for itself from the savings you gain.

The U.S. Department of Energy established the Sustainable Wastewater Infrastructure of the Future SWiFt initiative. SWiFt 2.0 is the second phase that enabled another 100 wastewater treatment facilities to save up to 25% on energy costs using technology like renewable energy and resource recovery. With federal funding available for infrastructure improvements, it’s a good time to look at how to make your plant more efficient for the future.

Lakeside Equipment has other tips available to help you lower your costs while ensuring optimal wastewater treatment processes. Whether you add Flowmaker mixer and pump features or want to learn more about capturing methane to use for heating your building, we have solutions that fit your needs.